Mixed reaction has continued to toll the indefinite postponement of
IMSU SUG 16th republic election from students, visit by IMSUVILA news
crew reveals.
The reason for the postponement is that the erudite, caring and loving acting vice Chancellor of IMO state
university professor Mrs. Victoria Adobi Obasi wants to set the
university in proper order before the approval of the 16th republic
student union election this was disclosed to our news correspondent by
Mr. Chigozie Egan IMSU UNECO information officer.
The indefinite postponement order came directly from professor Obasi
in an emergency meeting with the SUG Union electoral commission
Representatives in her office.
Students, contestants and the entire public are requested to remain
peaceful and abide by this decision and not to add fuel to the fire.
IMSU SUG 16th republic election from students, visit by IMSUVILA news
crew reveals.
The reason for the postponement is that the erudite, caring and loving acting vice Chancellor of IMO state
university professor Mrs. Victoria Adobi Obasi wants to set the
university in proper order before the approval of the 16th republic
student union election this was disclosed to our news correspondent by
Mr. Chigozie Egan IMSU UNECO information officer.
The indefinite postponement order came directly from professor Obasi
in an emergency meeting with the SUG Union electoral commission
Representatives in her office.
Students, contestants and the entire public are requested to remain
peaceful and abide by this decision and not to add fuel to the fire.