IMSU 2016/2017 list of available supplementary courses(FULL LIST)

IMSU after ending the 2016 admission screening exercise recently, made
available the list of available courses in the institution for
supplementary registration. This serves as a guide to prospective

Below are courses available:

•Agric economic nd extension

•Agricultural engineering

•Animal sciences nd fisheries

READ ALSO: IMSU 2016 acceptance fee and clearance set to COMMENCE on this date

•Crop sciences nd biotechnology

•Education agriculture

•Education chemistry

•Education engineering

•Education english

•Education french

•Guardians &Councelling

•Education igbo

•Education physics

•Education religious

•Education accountancy

•Education biology

•Education government t

•Fine nd applied art

•Food science & Technology

•Hospitality & Tourism management

•Soil sciences

NOTE BEFORE: Please be informed that the Screening Exercise for the
2016/2017 Admission exercise is CLOSED.