I’ll be honest – It’s not going to be easy writing this post without
coming across as a pessimist but I need to give you a taste of the attitude of Nigerians
I have experienced in recent times. From all indications things seem to
be going from bad to worse. Just yesterday I was at a beautiful wedding
reception and at a point all guests were asked to stand up for a prayer
from one of the wedding couple’s family members. As we were repeatedly
saying a resounding ‘Amen’, right in the middle of the prayer I suddenly
heard the pop of a champagne bottle.
I don’t know about you but I think that was just downright rude. What would it cost the stewards to wait a minute or two for a prayer to finish before causing such a distraction. In the presence of God some level of decorum should be expected during prayer – no talking, no selfie-ing, no walking and most definitely no champagne popping! Of course it wasn’t long before the final Amen that another champagne cork went off with a loud *POP!* At this point the ridiculousness of it all made me giggle and shake my head – Nigerians!
I don’t know about you but I think that was just downright rude. What would it cost the stewards to wait a minute or two for a prayer to finish before causing such a distraction. In the presence of God some level of decorum should be expected during prayer – no talking, no selfie-ing, no walking and most definitely no champagne popping! Of course it wasn’t long before the final Amen that another champagne cork went off with a loud *POP!* At this point the ridiculousness of it all made me giggle and shake my head – Nigerians!